Thursday, August 25, 2011


For the past three weeks, exhausted is the only words that come to my mind. I am trying to balance a new job, being a wife and mother. It is truly hard work. But, luckily God has blessed me with a wonderful husband. Dustin has definitely picked up my slack. But, things are looking up :) I have spent a lot more time at home this week with my family.

Tomorrow, Georgianne will be 7 months old. Last night, Dustin and I were playing with her on the bed and she made her FIRST CRAWL towards the remote. She has been "scooting" backwards for a couple of weeks now but she definitely was moving frontwards using both her arms and legs. She is growing SO fast. I did not think she would be crawling this soon.

I am looking forward to a FUN weekend. Today is our dear friend Ben's birthday. So we are going to celebrate with him tonight! Then tomorrow, my mom and David are coming to town. It has been almost one month since my mom has seen Georgianne. She is definitely in for a treat when she sees how much she has grown in the past month. Here are a few recent snapshots of the little princess.
Georgianne LOVES to help her Daddy in the yard :)

Georgianne was trying out Noah's bath tub!

Georgianne went to Magen's birthday party and was WORN out!

Georgianne feel asleep after church at Huey's

This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Georgianne.

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